/* This is an example style sheet for the Idiligo Meeting Panel. Read the remarks for more info and feel free to adjust to your taste.*/
/* Made by Idiligo - Isa - 16Sep21 */

/* This defines the background. Here an image is selected. */

body {
 background-image: url("https://idiligo.com/wp-content/themes/idiligo/images/mapv2.png");

/* This defines the font and color of the header. The color is #fff (HEX code) and the font is mukta. Feel free to adjust this. */

.head p {
    background-color: #fff;opacity:0.9;
    font-family: mukta,sans-serif;
    margin-left: 20px;

/* This defines the font and color of the main text. The color is #091751 and the font is mukta. Feel free to adjust this. */

p {
    color: #091751;
    font-family: mukta,sans-serif;

td {
    color: #091751;
    font-family: mukta,sans-serif;

/* The input fields in forms have a slightly different color #5c7790. Feel free to adjust this. */

input, textarea, select {
    color: #5c7790;
    font-family: mukta,sans-serif;

/* The meeting panel elements are in white (#fff) and sligthly transparant (70%). Feel free to adjust this. */

.table td {
        background: #fff;opacity:0.70;